| Influencer Registration

Log in to your Metamask wallet (if you don’t have it download from here ). Follow the instructions how to set up the wallet on

After Metamask is configured please switch your wallet to Moonbeam network. Remember that the main currency is called Glimmer (GLMR) and this is the token used for payments in the system.

After you successfully wallet log in to the website you can apply for influencer status in the system.

Clicking create, the application will check your eligibility and registration status.

If this is your first registration, the system will ask you a few simple questions. The most important are 2 entries;

1. to publish the tweet with your wallet address AND

2. to send us the link to this Tweet.

We make automated Tweet verification on the spot and follow up with the manual one.

After the form is submitted, request is sent to Metacourt support team that will verify if applicant posted Tweet on your personal Twitter account and to check applicant’s profile. Please keep the Tweet on your Twitter until you receive the confirmation message in the system. Normally we need 24-48 h. After you receive the consent, you can then delete the Tweet.

You can always check your current status on the create page. Please know that we reserve the right to deny the application entries.

Please know that your data is private and will not be shared with any 3rd parties.

After all is done you are good to go. You will see Create NFT Tweet form you will be able to make your first NFT! Congratulations!

Last updated